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Carving into a natural granite rock is a unique and beautiful way to personalize a landscape or memorialize someone special. We have the equipment to carve a personalized address boulder, cremation or engraved rock sign for your house and garden on site, or, we can help you choose the perfect piece. If you have any special requests regarding any cemeteries in Vancouver, BC and beyond, please call us at: 604.327.1312 or Email:

Client Testimonials

  • “The Spirit Garden boulder is so beautiful it’s breath-taking! I couldn’t wait to get back last evening to get my first drive by glimpse of it and I’m so impressed how easy it is to see from the street. Then to see it up close. What a work of art. I didn’t realize that you paint in the etching so that it stands out like that. It’s just so beautiful I don’t quite know how to adequately thank you and your family.

    We’d love to have you and any family members or staff that were involved over for a little Spirit Garden tour and glass of wine on our deck this summer.”

    – Warm wishes from the Spirit Garden

    Joan and Jon | Spirit Garden, South Surrey